Scope of Work

  1. Establishing the Australian Chinese Women's Entrepreneurship and Employment Foundation;

  2. Developing and improving the quality of women's education and entrepreneurial employment skills;

  3. Carry out various social welfare services for women and other community cultural activities;

  4. Establishing and improving the construction of the venues for women's homes activities;

  5. Developing various public welfare undertakings and strengthening the construction of women volunteering teams;

  6. Establishing a care centre for the elderly, the differing abilities, and the underprivileged;

  7. Friendly exchange and cooperation with women’s organisations in other Australia’s states, international friendship groups and individuals in various countries;

  8. Organising and accepting fundraising activities and volunteer services at home and abroad that meet the purposes of the Association through various channels;

  9. Carry out various public welfare activities in accordance with the purposes of the Association.


    1. 建立澳大利亚华裔妇女创业和就业基金会;

    2. 发展和提高妇女教育和创业就业技能的质量;

    3. 为妇女开展各种社会福利服务和其他社区文化活动;

    4. 建立健全妇女家庭活动中心;

    5. 发展各项公益事业,加强女性志愿服务团队;

    6. 建立老年人,残疾人和弱势群体的照料中心;

    7. 与澳大利亚其他州的妇女组织,国际友谊团体和各国个人进行友好的交流与合作;

    8. 符合协会宗旨,通过各种渠道组织和接受国内外的筹款活动和志愿服务;

    9. 按照协会的宗旨开展各种公益活动。