The Australian National Chinese Women's Federation (ANCWF) is a non-profit organisation that aims to assist newly arrived immigrant women with settlement services and integration in socio-economic participation, we support women to learn a skill, start a career and nurture young girls, help the disabled, vulnerable and people from different backgrounds.


1.       ANCWF is committed to the Constitution of Australia and will abide by its laws.

2.       ANCWF is a non-political organisation.

3.       Any Chinese women who feel the need of assistance can turn to ANCWF for guidance.

4.       The appropriate banner must be displayed at all ANCWF events.

5.       It is important that all members behave in an orderly and courteously manner when representing ANCWF.

6.       All money earned by ANCWF will be used in the running of the Federation.


1.       Members are welcome to attend any activity or function held by ANCWF.

2.       Members are entitled to attend and vote at an ANCWF Annual General Meeting.

3.       Bringing food to an event to share is welcome unless told differently.


1.       Volunteers must give of their time freely and with good heart.

2.       Volunteers must attend pre-event meetings for instruction.

3.       Volunteers will wear appropriate outfit supplied by ANCWF whenever necessary.


1.       The Annual General Meeting will be held one a year less than one month after the Annual Financial Meeting.

2.       All members will be notified one month prior to the Annual general meeting.

3.       Business to be discussed and voted upon will be published in the notification.

4.       Members can bring up matters of concern that require discussion or a vote at least one month prior to the Annual General meeting.