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ANCWF English Classes

The Australian National Chinese Women’s Federation will be starting their English Class up again on Thursday 14th July, 10:00am. Anyone wanting to learn Basic English is welcome to come. The date will run longer than advertised, so please make enquiry. James: Mob: 0432022969

Anyone wanting to come a little earlier can join in the singing practice downstairs at 9:30am before class begins. We have everything we need for our classes now and are ready to go.

There will be an I.T. Class directly after English that will start at 12:30pm and anyone wanting to stay are welcome. This class is designed for people to learn basic computer/telephone communication skills and online banking. People wanting to attend this class can just turn up at 12:30 or contact James on mobile: 0432022969 ( There is no charge.

The address is:

1/30 Central Park Avenue, Ashmore

There is plenty of onsite parking